Other Cooperations
WERTESTARTER* is a non-profit organisation working for the Stiftung für Christliche Wertebildung (Foundation for Christian Value Development). They enable to set up christian education in various institutions and organisations in Germany and beyond. Therefore, dedicated christians united in order to start a movement for more support for children and young people and for more passion for volunteers.
echt. evangelisch. engagiert - real. evangelical. dedicated - Ideas for Church
3E (echt. evangelisch. engagiert = real. evangelical. dedicated) wants to connect dedicated church members and point at new ideas in ministry, innovations and models for church in the EKD (Evangelical Church in Germany).
Five strong partners of the evangelical church bring about this journal project: The AMD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Missionarische Dienste), the network churchconvention, the Evangelische Gnadauer Gemeinschaftsverband, the IEEG and the SCM Bundes-Verlag.