Sponsoring Association
The Verein zur Förderung der Erforschung von Evangelisation und Gemeindeentwicklung e.V. (Sponsoring Association for the Research of Evangelism and Church Development) was founded in 2004. Members of the board are Bishop Gerhard Ulrich, Bishop Dr. Hans-Jürgen Abromeit, Illona Eiffler and Prof Dr. Michael Herbst.
According to a ruling of the local tax office of the city of Greifswald, due to being support for academic purposes, donations to the Verein are tax-deductible.
Bank details of the Verein:
Vereinskonto: KD-Bank Duisburg
BLZ 350 601 90
Kto.-Nr. 156 715 40 13
IBAN: DE06 3506 0190 1567 1540 13